Our idea from
class last Wednesday was a computer which utilized living space(s) for use.
This effectively would turn an entire household into one giant computer, opting
for several ways to maximize a person’s efficiency in today’s tech-savvy world.
4 possible areas of focus for the project include but are not limited to (most
likely): Non-Integrated study habits, which originated culturally speaking whenever
educational systems did, eons ago, which could be materialized by a maintenance
program in the living space(s). Another could be amusement activities, which
have been around since anything existed, ever. It would be integrated all
throughout the digital household. Financial habits could be another, though
this could be considered quite controversial. Originating from the beginning of
money in trade, the user would wear some type of simple device tracking their
monetary habits which would be integrated into the household’s financial
programs, like the tax programs (can’t think of any of their names, haven’t
paid taxes yet). Possibly another could be the user’s own personal style.
Unknown when fashion first became a thing, the household would analyze the
users outfit and coordinate to any current trends, making simple suggestions
with internet use. This of course could be toggled on or off at any time,
always staying optional.