Thursday, February 18, 2016

Final Project Proposal

The inital idea is to invent a program that recognizes facial features and converts the brush tool in Adobe Photoshop to different colors. This allows an artist to create an abstract portrait of their feelings in the actions they take, such as watching a movie or playing video games, or even just chatting with one of their friends in an improvised theater skit. As for the facial recognition software it will require further digging to find a suitable program. The rest of the checklist is as follows:

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Premier
  • AfterEffects
Any and all patience is very appreciated! This project could take art to a whole new level of creativity.

Signing off,

- Ike


  1. Interesting, Ike. I wonder if you've seen Robbie Cooper's Immersion. Check it out. it's kind of hypnotic and scary and would serve as an interesting data source for your project.

    I don't know exactly what you want for aan affect detector but check out this guy here:

    I like the way you can see what it thinks anyway.

    Here's a write up:

    We did some work with Marnie Bartlett's detector and that one is great but you need a license. You could read about her work at her site at UCSD. It's probably not that important to read right now.

    This will be really cool, I'm sure, whatever you do.

  2. Whoops. Forgot to link to Robbie Cooper's Immersion
